Community Circles

open group Coaching Circles

for industry challenges that would benefit from different perspectives & experience

A coaching circle is a practice of speaking and listening intentionally. A confidential and trusting environment of non-judgement and acceptance - a place to offer and receive peer-led learning.


27th March

29th May

30th July

26th September

26th November

6.30 - 8.30pm


Participate in a supportive and empathetic space where you can explore challenges, share experiences and receive feedback in a welcoming environment.

In a circle, everyone’s voice is heard and valued. It is not about fixing, or being ‘right’, but a place of being open and compassionate to whatever arises.

The foundation of a circle is deep listening, with the kind of attention that enables others to express themselves through personal experience and truth. Circles encourage a spirit of mutual trust and respect and confidentiality.

Offering participants the opportunity to either share their own challenge as an ‘issue’ holder’ or contribute as a willing listener ready to offer questions or suggestions.

Working in this way each person being coached can observe in a new light how they might be responding to their situation and what else might be possible, fostering a space of reciprocal learning for all invovlved.

What can I expect

  • Different perspectives on your challenges from an informed group of peers

  • To listen, and be listened to in a way that helps you move forward

  • To build connection, relationship and trust with others in similar shoes

  • To recognise the comfort and support of shared community processes

How does it work

Guided by a circle process, we’ll identify a challenge the group would like to work with, and collaboratively explore pathways forward that emerge through conversation.